About HPS

PayMedix is our innovative payment platform that guarantees payment to providers, credit to patients, and simplicity for all.
PayMedix is our innovative payment platform that guarantees payment to providers, credit to patients, and simplicity for all.

Our Story
At HPS, we know healthcare is broken. We also know it can’t be fixed by one company, but our goal is to reduce the cost of healthcare administration while maintaining the highest level of provider and patient satisfaction in the industry. We do this through a better healthcare payment and reimbursement system. That’s why we serve so many stakeholders: employers, individuals, brokers, TPAs, and providers. Our solutions offer unique benefits to each, in the hope that together we can make healthcare less confusing and more cost-effective for all.
PayMedix, our innovative payment platform, is the only healthcare payment solution that guarantees all payments to all providers. Credit for all patients. And simplicity for everyone.
And, the PayMedix SuperEOB provides one simple consolidated statement for patients.
And now PayMedix is available nationwide no matter what HMO or PPO network is used.
What We Offer
The HPS Network

The PayMedix SuperEOB®

HPS and the Community
HPS prides itself on our community involvement, both individually and as an organization. Each year, we dedicate time and resources to multiple causes in our local communities.