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PayMedix is our innovative payment platform that guarantees payment to providers, credit to patients, and simplicity for all.

Beyond Benefits: How Easy-to-Understand Healthcare Benefits Create Happier Employees

Having healthy and happy employees is equally important to a company and the employees themselves. Excellent healthcare benefits can help attract new employees and assure current employees their company wants to take care of them. However, navigating benefits can be difficult for employees, leading to frustration and unhappiness.

Healthcare benefits help retain employees

A recent survey shows that 56% of US adults with employer-sponsored health benefits identified that liking their health coverage—or not—is a key factor in decided whether to stay at their current job. Additionally, Glassdoor reports almost 80% of employees would opt for better benefits over a pay raise. Simply supplying excellent benefits is only one part of the story. Employers can further strengthen loyalty by helping employees better understand and use their health benefits more effectively, showing they care and creating happier employees in the process.

Happier employees create a healthy bottom line

Better yet, a happier workforce can help boost a company’s bottom line, because happier employees make for happier customers. A recent report from Gallup found that engaged employees are more likely to improve customer relationships, resulting in a 20% increase in sales. Additionally, a study from The Tempkin Group found companies that excel in customer experience have one-and-a-half times as many engaged employees as those delivering a poor customer experience.

Put the care in healthcare

A good employee benefits program – including quality healthcare – demonstrates to employees their employer cares about them. Going the extra mile by empowering employees to fully utilize these benefits can help cement the relationship.

Employers should endeavor to create a supportive work environment that seeks to improve the well-being of their employees because a happy workforce is a productive workforce.

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