Employee financial wellness

PayMedix is our innovative payment platform that guarantees payment to providers, credit to patients, and simplicity for all.

PayMedix is our innovative payment platform that guarantees payment to providers, credit to patients, and simplicity for all.


Breaking Down a Broken Healthcare Payments System

May 29, 2024 | By Brian Marsella Also published on FinTech Nexus News Americans today are dealing with a healthcare affordability crisis. With inflation at ...
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How to Teach Employees to Be Good Healthcare Consumers

When it comes to making a big purchase, we like to think we’re smart consumers. If you’re going to buy a new laptop, car or ...
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The Value of a Great Healthcare Experience for Your Business

It happens every year like clockwork: benefits renewal season. You and your team consider what healthcare plan makes the most sense for your company, weighing ...
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